PDT an Astronics Company Previews LiFi Applications for Aircraft at AIX

PDT, an Astronics Company, will demonstrate some new potential applications for the emerging technology of LiFi, in a collaboration with pureLiFi.  They are using LiFi leverage light for communications, in contrast to Wi-Fi, which uses radio waves. Proven capable of transferring data at an unprecedented several Gigabits per second in multiple channels, LiFi could eventually empower passengers to download an HD video in just a few seconds, or transfer data on and off the aircraft, for example.

“We’re building on the conversations we’ve had with customers over the past several months, and in addition to showing how Li-Fi can deliver passenger connectivity, we’ll be demonstrating the immense advantages available with an aircraft data link application,” said Mark Schwartz, Vice President of PDT, an Astronics Company. ”Come by the booth to see how aircraft data can be transferred, wirelessly, between terminals and aircraft in seconds.”

PDT, an Astronics Company stand 3B30

To learn more about about Astronics their website: astronics.com

To learn more about how you can be powered by pureLiFi visit our product page

The Aircraft Interiors Expo 2019
Passenger Experience Week consists of four leading events with one goal – to define the future of the global passenger experience. Comprising of the Passenger Experience Conference, Aircraft Interiors Expo, Passenger Technology Solutions and World Travel Catering & Onboard Services Expo.

To learn more about AIX visit their website here: aircraftinteriorsexpo.com

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Learn more about LiFi

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